We are facing an almost carbon copy of something that happened during Juan Manuel's government...
I was the first one surprised by the open letter that María Jimena Duzán addressed to the president... 1u Pdu

According to Ancízar Casanova, with 17 nominations in the Reed Latino Awards, black propaganda only…
"Presidentially, from Petrism I see two refreshing figures, a Carlos Caicedo or a Carlos Romero. For...
In the electoral campaign that has just ended, political strategist Ancizar Casanova also declares…
Why do the Gironese allow a single family to continue stealing the municipality's money...
I can't vote in Bucaramanga, but if I could I would do so for the renowned cardiologist Jaime...
"They told me not to get involved in this candidacy, that politics in Santander is a...

Rack Power Distribution Unit Yamil Cure's polling firm conducted a survey to measure electoral preferences to the…